Establishing Percona as the independent voice of open-source





The challenge

Percona, a managed services and consultancy company for open-source databases, works both with and against MongoDB. Instead of maintaining its humble roots within open source, MongoDB now actively pursues a closed, commercially-led business operating model. As an outspoken and unwavering supporter of open source, Percona provide managed services and consultancy to enterprise clients utilising the MongoDB database.

Ahead of MongoDB’s 5.0 product release during its annual industry conference, Percona were eager to provide the open-source community with a more balanced view of the company’s latest developments.

The thinking

Due to MongoDB’s popularity and sphere of influence, we knew we would face a highly saturated news market with coverage of the anticipated 5.0 announcement. We wanted to insert Percona into the conversation, and position them as a leader in independent advice on open-source databases. In order to do so, we worked closely with the Percona PR and their technical product teams ahead of time to analyse and de-code the new features and extract the key points of interest for the end-user.

The execution

As a result, we became the independent voice on the day, providing much-needed insight and context into what the new release meant for the end-user; encompassing the good, the bad and the ugly.

The results

Following on, we strengthened relationships with a select group of influential media who regularly cover updates from MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MariaDB and MySQL whereby Percona became their go-to to provide independent, expert commentary and real-world insight for any future stories.

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