Jamie MacDow joins onebite
as Head of Client Services

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It’s our pleasure to announce that Jamie MacDow has joined onebite as our new Head of Client Services.

Previously Group Account Director at Twogether, Jamie MacDow managed two teams overseeing 16 global B2B Tech accounts, including major clients like Adobe and Salesforce.

He led strategic growth and account management, significantly expanding his team, earning four B2B Marketing Awards.

Prior to Twogether, at 1973 he directed global B2B campaigns and managed comprehensive partner programs, significantly contributing to client automation strategies and team development.

We sat down with Jamie to discuss his professional journey so far, insights into the marketing landscape and what he envisions for his role at onebite.

Could you give us an overview of your journey into marketing?

I began my career as a theatre actor, but after a year-long tour, I shifted to a London-based creative agency, my first foray into this sector. My theatre experience, especially as a stage manager, gave me skills that are surprisingly relevant in the rest of my career!

I initially worked as a print designer for sports and fashion brands. However, the burgeoning world of digital caught my attention, leading me to self-learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I evolved into a digital designer and developer, took on roles like flash programmer and animator, and eventually became head of digital, overseeing all digital campaigns and projects.

After a period of freelancing and setting up a creative agency for the publishing industry, I co-founded a direct marketing agency, Fortune Favours the Brave, pioneering a platform for tracking personalised engagement from offline to online.

Craving a change from London’s pace, I sold my agency, moved to the countryside, and wrote a fiction novel. Subsequent roles at a smaller marketing agency and then at Twogether, a leading B2B Tech agency, further expanded my experience with major tech brands like Salesforce, Adobe, and AWS.

Now, I’m excited to start my journey at onebite. Throughout my diverse career, spanning over 30 years, the consistent element has been my focus on client management, whether as a designer, developer, copywriter, or animator.

What has been your biggest career highlight so far?

Who doesn’t appreciate the thrill of winning prestigious awards? Being a part of the team that clinched 5 B2B Marketing gold awards in a single evening, including Agency of the Year, was a remarkable experience that I’m grateful for. But for me, it’s not just about chasing awards; it’s about meaningful recognition, which can often come in more subtle forms and can be just as, if not more, memorable.

For instance, during my time at Fortune Favours the Brave, we secured Royal Mail as a client and played a key role in founding Market Reach, their marketing division. We were the sole marketing agency involved in Market Reach. The moment the CEO personally acknowledged our contribution during her launch speech was incredibly special. It was a small gesture, but it made all our hard work feel incredibly worthwhile.

Another standout memory was being invited to speak at the British Ambassador’s residence in Beirut. We had developed a website for them, and the Ambassador wanted to give us recognition. The event was extraordinary, the residence was as glamorous as something from a 1970s movie, complete with a helipad. The celebration coincided with Obama’s presidential victory, and the atmosphere was unforgettable, marked by an abundance of food and drink. It was one of those unique experiences that stay with you forever!

What led you to join us here at onebite?

Working at a large, established agency provided me with the opportunity to engage with major technology companies and collaborate with top professionals in the B2B Tech industry. This environment was ideal for learning and self-improvement. However, my true passion lies in fostering growth and development. While a large agency offers opportunities for growth to some extent, joining a company like onebite presents a more comprehensive experience.

At onebite, I can work with impressive clients and a talented team, while also having the opportunity to actively influence and shape the company’s future direction. This combination of client quality, team collaboration, and strategic influence is an ideal professional setting for me.

In my role as Head of Client Services, I focus on both internal team management and external client relations. Leveraging my extensive experience, I aim to build a top-tier team that challenges the conventional limits of B2B marketing, which is a source of great excitement for me.

Considering the substantial portion of our lives spent working, why shouldn’t we all enjoy it? It’s what we have all chosen to do after all. If I can enable my team and clients to ride that wave of enthusiasm and really get excited about the art of the possible within B2B, then I will feel we’ve succeeded.

What emerging marketing trends do you think are most important for businesses to pay attention to in the current landscape?

Grasping the evolving buyer journey and how the buying committee is changing is vital for both agencies and their clients. It’s more than just understanding these shifts; it’s about what we do with this knowledge. As the market regains confidence and budgets open up, we need to use our insights to deliver content that truly resonates with the audience at each stage of their journey. This approach challenges the outdated ‘one-size-fits-all’ content strategy.

Brand engagement is deeply tied to this understanding. Audiences seek brands that mirror their values, and growth is seen in brands that genuinely adopt this approach, listening to and understanding their audience to provide what they actually need, not just what the brand wants to promote.

The phasing out of third-party cookies is a monumental shift, one that many businesses haven’t fully confronted yet. As marketers, our role extends beyond just adapting; we need to educate and incorporate new strategies to navigate this change effectively.

Amidst all this, AI continues to shape the marketing landscape, creating a surge in vendors much like during the dot com era. This movement is likely to lead to a consolidation of valuable AI solutions by larger groups. It’s crucial for us to discern how AI can genuinely enhance our business and align with our ecological goals, ensuring its use doesn’t contribute to environmental detriment.

What excites you most about working in marketing?

I think Forrest Gump’s mother was certainly talking about marketing, not chocolates when she said you never know what you’re going to get.

The days of running a conveyor belt of whitepapers is thankfully behind us as B2B starts to blur the lines between the B2B and B2C landscape.

The rapid evolution of technology is driving a constant shift in marketing, especially in the B2B tech space, with new tools and approaches emerging almost weekly.

In a similar vein, B2B marketing is undergoing its own revolution, breaking away from the old patterns and embracing the unexpected. With this kind of environment, every day brings something new, and the anticipation of what tomorrow holds is part of the thrill.

Finally, tell us a bit about life outside of work

I’m someone who thrives on creating tangible things to fuel my creativity. Adobe Creative Suite is a staple for me, both professionally and personally. At home, I channel this creativity into designing t-shirts, hoodies, and unique art pieces to decorate my space. I’m also exploring the latest Generation AI tools, experimenting with how they can enhance my creative process.

DIY projects are another area I’m venturing into. I have plans to build various items, from shoe racks to bedroom furniture. While I have all the necessary tools and materials, I’m just gearing up to start.

Cycling is a favourite pastime, although I prefer fair weather conditions – I’m not a fan of battling wind and rain. My pets, a cat and a dog, are also a big part of my life. While the dog accompanies me on countryside walks, the cat prefers to stay at home. And in the midst of all this, I’ve also found time to write a book, an endeavour that has been both challenging and rewarding.

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